Texoma Gives:
A Light in the Dark
Who stands with those who find themselves in their darkest hours? When you give to First Step you light the way for the lost by giving justice and hope to someone who reached out and said they didn't want to be alone. What does that support look like? It varies according to need. Names have been changed to protect the clients.
Client Story "Jack"

After fleeing an abusive relationship with his wife," Jack" came to First Step and, through outreach case management, was able to get help filing a police report and receiving a Final Protective Order. First Step helped pay for his hotel until he found a place of his own. First Step assisted with paying his deposit, rent, and utilities in his new home with furniture and bedding for him and his children.
Client Story "Sarah"

"Sarah" entered the First Step shelter after leaving an abusive relationship with her boyfriend from another state. While she was with First Step, she became more self-confident. "Sarah" could finally do things for herself without fearing someone watching her every move. She cooked dinner for other clients who enjoyed her cooking. Working with an advocate, "Sarah" was able to set up employment, a home, and financial assistance to relocate.
Client Story "Lena"

After experiencing a violent sexual assault from an ex, "Lena" called the First Step hotline and came to the Outreach Office for assistance with a protective order. She also sought out counseling and case management services. First Step assisted "Lena" with filling out the paperwork for a protective order and accompanied her to court, where she would receive a final protective order. First Step was able to help "Lena" and her family with paying their rent so they could use their money for other necessities
Family Client Story "Margo"

"Margo", a mother of 2, Fled an abusive relationship with her boyfriend and entered the First Step safe house. While in the safe house, "Margo" applied for a protective order, received counseling and received case management. "Margo's" little family exited the safe house and stayed with extended family. While continuing to receive outreach case management services, she obtained her own place. With the help of First Step, "Margo" payed her rent, utilities, and obtained furniture for her family.
Family Client Story "Carrie"

"Carrie", a mother of three, was involved in a domestic violence relationship with her spouse. After calling the 24 HR hotline, "Carrie" built up the courage to leave her husband and entered the safe house with her children, where she received services and support from residential and outreach staff. First Step was able to help her file for a protective order, move back to her home where she felt safe and file for full custody of her children. "Carrie" felt empowered and received counseling services to learn coping strategies to give her children a better and safe life.
Client Story "Maranda"

"Maranda" fled from an abusive boyfriend and entered the First Step safe house. With the help of First Step, "Maranda" obtained health insurance, social security disability, housing, and a final protective order. Melissa also acquired her own vehicle and a service dog. "Maranda's" offender was arrested and charged with family violence. He went through a trial, was found guilty, and sentenced to time in prison. After the trial, "Maranda" was free to move to be with her family in another state.